Mesa, you and I on the synchronicity train is something I cannot ignore!! Can we do a deadhead subscriber chat so I can show you a pic of little deadhead Cassidy?!

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Awwww YES!!!! :) I’ll start a thread right now :) Thank you!!

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Magical Mesa! You made me wax nostalgic! My song with my dad was Mickey’s Monkeys by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. We would sing it together and I would bounce around—happy and free. I still have his old 45 record. Every so often I hear it on the radio and I know he’s around me!

He then bought me my first 45–The Candy Man by Sammy Davis Jr.

My love of music is my tie to him to this day—he died when I was five and he’s been gone 50 years.

Makes my heart happy to feel those happy times with him.

Thank you for sharing your gift and memories.

You helped me breadcrumb back to that innocent little girl who had two parents and before she would experience one of the greatest losses so young.

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I would love to have a magical year! Thank you Mesa for sharing your love for music and the Grateful Dead with us. I love learning more about you and your family. The early photos of your parents are priceless. Cheers to you Magical Mesa, and your Magical Year 2024!! 🎉🎉🎉🥰🥰🥰

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Thank you my friend!! I love sharing my magic here, it feels so safe. I picture us all in a big loving room telling stories to each other. That's where the real magic lives!! Love you!!! Xoxo

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How funny I meant living room but it autocorrected to loving room!!

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Jun 19Liked by Mesa Fama

I love the idea of a magical year! "When the opportunity comes, I'll take it." Thank you for the inspiration to remember and open up to magic.

I just moved back to my home state after a few decades gone by. I'm not sure what, when or where magic will show up or what breadcrumbs I'll find, but it sure does feel all right.

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I did the move back home about 6 years ago and it has been a plethora of breadcrumbs!! Lots of walks down lanes that lead to memories. I hope you get to find some magic too!! Thanks so much for being here, Felice! 😍

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Magical Mesa. ✨✨✨

You are such a gift.

I loved reading every second of this.

& YES- I had a bread crumb moment recently. We were at a pizza parlor in Ocean Beach and they were playing the film: Lords of Dogtown on the flatscreen. It was the LAST scene of the movie where the boys are skating around the empty pool together. When I was in high school, I LOVED this movie. The soundtrack felt like a part of me.

The closing song is Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.

It was wild to be watching this scene with my toddler enjoying cheese pizza in a totally new phase of my life- I had several flashbacks to younger K years.

Thank you for this reflective moment!


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K!! I loved that movie too!! I love little synchronicities like that, nudges to remember 🖤🖤 Thank you so much for sharing with me!!

Also, I miss Ocean Beach and need to come back!! 😍😍😍


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Omg when you make it back we MUST drink coffee and look at books together. 😍✨

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Ummm yes please!!! 😍😍😍

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"In the end there's just a song"


thank you, Mesa

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Ohhhh one of my favorites!!! 😍😍😍😍 Thanks for being here Mike!!

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Love!! You’re not going to believe this but my dad was a drummer too! I certainly got my love of music from my parents. We’ll have to compare our deadhead years on that bus tour of ours someday. 🩶⚡️🧸💀💗

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Okay this is just CRAZINESS!!! I can't wait to share stories!!! 😍😍

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Love this so much.

Breadcrumbs... music is definitely that.

Glad you are finding ways to make the old new and to rediscover your magic.

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Thank you my friend!! 😍😍

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I discovered a breadcrumb (almost a slice) yesterday when I was inspired by the Tony Awards to do a search on my laptop for a letter I had received 25 years ago from a very well known playwright. He was startlingly effusive in his praise for my work (costume design of his play), and when I re-read the letter I wondered why I had not framed it and hung it where all could see! Shouted it from the rooftops so to speak! As someone who has had a successful career but yet always struggled with self-confidence, this particular breadcrumb allowed me to see how really good at my work I have been and to absorb that.

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Diana!!! I love this so much!! I'm so glad you went searching and I agree this feels like a whole slice not just a crumb!! 👏🏻👏🏻❤️

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This was a priceless read. It got me to thinking 🤔 What breadcrumbs have I left to lead me back to me? I’m sure I will discover some because this has been a year of reconnecting to myself and others. In a way it’s been a time of homecoming. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’re most definitely MAGICAL MESA.

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Oooooh I can't wait to see what you discover!! I hope you come back and share 😍😍 Thank you for being here!!

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You know I’ll come back to share it or write something. You’ve inspired me.

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