Serendipity the fuck out of things- now that’s a mood!

Luck to me brings up binary. I perceive I’m either lucky or unlucky.

I love the word serendipity.

And just for fun, I’ll throw synchronicity in the mix, because that’s the thread I’m always looking for.

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Yessssssss!! Synchronicity!! I wanted to make a documentary on synchronicity 😍 I love it so much!!

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I might just have a friend who’s a documentary film maker- this could be a thing!

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I'm a doc producer and my husband is filmmaker! 😍😍😍

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Ohhhh ok yes I wanna see this film! Will share my running list of synchronicities for content 🀣

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Jinx! My favorite word since I was about 9 years old. I discovered it in a thesaurus. β€œThesaurus” became another favorite word and I carried the Weekly Reader paperback thesaurus everywhere with my Ziggy diary with tiny lock and key. It wasn’t until later in like I discovered the word comes from a Persian folk tale. Serendipity is a noun, coined in the middle of the 18th century by author Horace Walpole (he took it from the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip). The adjective form is serendipitous, and the adverb is serendipitously. A serendipitistis "one who finds valuable or agreeable things not sought for."-Merriam Webster Luck is a fun concept to me. I loved bugs and clover too and spent many hours in the woods. Some might object to the idea of β€œluck” as something not earned or divined so by a greater being. I sense luck is a whimsical and curious practice of childhood and beyond! From the Irish to the Asian cultures, luck is a human element. There’s a kind of liberation in not holding too tightly that resonates when I read your words, Mesa. This quote came to me: You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.

Thich Nhat Hanh. Thank you for taking me on this magical memory lane!

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I had a diary with a tiny and lock and key too!! I can't remember what was on the front now, but I loved it so much! I also had Ziggy things!!

Thesaurus sounds like the best kind of bookish dinosaur 😍🀣 I loved learning about Serendipity!! And I agree- luck is absolutely a human thing across all cultures, it's as universal as love 😍😍😍

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Cool! Love the term β€œbookish dinosaur”. Makes my poet heart laugh!

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Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Serendipity, well, that's the universe doing what it does. But you have to be open to the signs when they appear!

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Right, the little nudges!

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I love that serendipity is your top strength! How cool is that?! 🀩

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Right?! I don’t usually put much stock in tests like that, but for that one I was floored by it and held onto it :)

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This is very inspiring! Luck is something impossible to chase and will always disappoint when you do. Instead, changing your mindset to look for your own luck is much better; leads to less disappointment and greater acceptance of what you cannot change!

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Yes! Exactly 😍😍😍 Thank you, Bethel!!

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Our reading book in 1st grade was called Serendipity.

It's been my favorite word since then!

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YAYYYY!! I love that!! 😍😍😍

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Oh, and I love that you β€œCreate Your Own Luck”! Agency, sister friend. A little bird taught me that one. πŸ¦‰

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