What a beautiful homage to summer! And interestingly yellow is associated with the sacral chakra which is where confidence and personal power are situated! Perhaps your resonance with yellow allows you to tap into that for yourself! ❤️

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Thank you, Sondra! I didn’t realize that about the color :) Thanks for teaching me something new!

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My pleasure! And I meant to say solar plexus chakra. Not sacral! The solar plexus chakra is your energy center located two inches above your naval! Sacral is two inches below, identifies with the color orange and is where creativity lies! There are 7 in all.

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No better color to represent the complexities of summer than yellow! The sun, sunflowers, warmth, joy, nostalgia…if not yellow then what else?

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Thank you, Bethel!

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I love yellow, especially the golden kind. Such wonderful sensory imagery. I want to hang out with little you eating sugar lemons. ❤️

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Awww I’d love that so much!! :)

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I love that everything you write poses a question that really gets me thinking. The first thing that I think of when I see or hear the word "yellow" is that it was always the last color chosen for players in certain board games (Sorry, Trouble, Life, etc.).

I had one friend who always had to be blue, my brother liked green and I was red. Poor yellow always got left out. It's so weird because even as an adult my first thoughts about yellow are unwanted, unloved, left behind. When I think about it more I remember sunshine, and butter yellows, which I love.

Summer is my favorite season, I'm a July baby, but as I've gotten older my body cannot regulate temperatures as efficiently. I get overheated more easily and have to be careful not to overdo it in the heat. Thank you again asking me think about something I normally wouldn't. You are amazing Mesa, a gift!! 🥰🥰🙏🙏

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Oh how that makes my heart squeeze for little left behind yellow! I’m so glad I got your brain goin!! I too can no longer regulate my body temps in the summer, it’s actually become my winter - I want to eat more, sleep more, and generally hide from everything in the summer now lol

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I too have a lot of empathy for yellow, but I’ve got to be honest, it’s never going to be my first choice if I play Sorry again. As for summer, I have a new appreciation for central air conditioning, although I’ll take a window unit over nothing at all. Being near a pool is also essential (if I can manage it to make that happen).

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May 22Liked by Mesa Fama

Yellow was my Mom's favourite colour, and a favourite of mine as well! Lovely post, Mesa!

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Yay! Love that!! And than you so much, Susan!

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Colors have such an impact on us. I've never really liked yellow, but your descriptions are having me rethink my dislike. 💛

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I never liked it either until I started to think about how often it shows up in some of my most favorite memories 💛 I'm so glad you're rethinking it too! 🤗

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May 22Liked by Mesa Fama

Really nice to read this, as colours don't usually hold special memories for me, but yellow does. Daffodils and the sense of warmth and joy that I connect to a friend who has passed - she really embodied 'yellow'. Thanks for sharing

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I'm so glad you have such warm memories of your friends. I'm glad this brought up something happy for you 💛💛💛

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A sensory extravaganza! Beautiful, Mesa! 💛💫💛

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💛🌻🍋 yay!

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Morning Sunflower 🌻!

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Sidewalk surprises!! Absolutely loved reading about your sugar sprinkled Lemons. My grandma had a lemon tree too. It was very short, and only produced one lemon per season 😂

Thank you for unlocking that memory for me. Reading about yours was so sweet. 🍋

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Awww 🍋 one little lemon!! I'm so glad you got to remember that!!

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Yellow is one of my favourite colours 🌼 I wear it when an extra boost of sunshine is needed in my life. The sound of cicadas on a hot night make me dream of summer and transport me back to some wonderful childhood memories spent on a farm.

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