Apr 15Liked by Mesa Fama

For me the ultimate betrayal came when I was 13 (I featured that day on my own Substack) . The betrayal for me was entering puberty as a female and all that goes along with it. As someone who had always had a male brain it was extremely hard to deal with. It took me many many years to understand my 'predicament' and bring my body into alignment with my mind.

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I can only imagine how hard that must have been ♥️ Thank you for sharing with me Lee! I'm glad you were able to align yourself, that's so incredibly important ♥️♥️

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Apr 15Liked by Mesa Fama

Thank you....many do not understand and think it is a choice, it really isn't. I am just happy to finally live my life on my terms.

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When faced with obstacles I turn inward. I have since I was young. I’m learning to embrace speaking endearments and humor to my temple, my body, this miracle of who knows how really became medicine is not an exact science. Liz and you and the Lovelets all are wise guides in the Letters from Love practice. Like almost everything in life, I’m ever changing and morphing in surprising, fun, and not so fun ways. The messy of being alive is so real and your sensory experiences you describe here are so familiar to me as a fellow human doing the best I can in a surrender dance of “letting go” of control and embracing surrender and writing through it all. Thank you for these nuggets of wise counsel and heart opening practices and observations. Honored to call you, friend.

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Love you my friend. Learning to laugh at the jiggly bits is on my to do list!! Grateful for your perspective and thoughts always.

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Apr 20Liked by Mesa Fama

There’s so much beauty here! Lately my nipples are racing each other to my bellybutton! But the beauty is here…always!! I love you.

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Big love to you, Dianna and our ever sliding nipples! 🫠🤣♥️

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I’ve missed you Dianna! You always make me smile!!

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Your piece is thought provoking dear Mesa. I had three miscarriages during my first marriage. The thing I’m supposed to be able to do as a woman I couldn’t. I took more responsibility and blamed myself more so than my body. That said, I see now that it was all for the best. I never would have left with three small children.

I’ve put my body through a lot—my weight had been up and down all my life. I’ve learned that I love her though she’s not perfect—she is mine and I am hers.

Love and blessings always dear Mesa. I hope you are okay.

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Thank you, Sondra ♥️ Big love to you♥️ Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me ♥️♥️

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Sondra, you've been through an incredibly tough journey, but your strength and perspective are truly inspiring. It's beautiful how you've come to embrace and love your body despite the challenges.

Remember, your worth isn't defined by any single aspect of your life. You're absolutely right, your body is yours, and it's the only one you get—loving it is a wonderful step forward. How do you find ways to celebrate your body and its journey?

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Thank you for your kind words. I celebrate my body every day! Some days with yoga, a soak in the tub, others with dance, singing with my church choir and walking in nature is my favorite! Today I’m outside in my garden clearing out the weeds and gunk preparing my flower beds for new plantings. The fact that that I’m able to do these things when others can’t makes me grateful!

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You’re welcome Sondra, all those sound amazing, keep it up! 🧡

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Mesa Fama

Oof, yes to ALL this. 🙌🏼 My body has felt like a betrayal since before I can even remember realizing that’s how I felt about it. This year I’m realizing my body was never the betrayer; it only ever told me the absolute truth. Itwas my culture that lied and said my body was wrong. The betrayal was how I treated my body, trying to live up to all those external imaginary rules. I have a LOT to apologize for. This year I’m sturdy enough to begin.

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Let the apology tour begin! :) Big love to you, January! Thanks so much for sharing with me.

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A great change of mindset!

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I’ve been having this conversation with myself so thank you for sharing yours! As women we’re taught to never be satisfied with our bodies—which ultimately means never be satisfied with yourself. Total bs but we all took it in to some degree. I was the most unforgiving of my body after the accident. I couldn’t do what I used to do and I blamed my body for not recovering faster and better. The truth was my body was phenomenal in how it recovered. It has been through so much and recently I’ve been making a point to see my body in terms of how well she serves me and not how I look.

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Yes! Exactly. It's not about looking a certain way, it's about how to love ourselves through the bumps and bruises and everything in between ♥️♥️ Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me!

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I often look at my body and think, what happened? How did I get here, at this shape and weight? One thing that had helped me tremendously over the years is self portraiture. It allowed me to see my body as art. I now teach this and share this gift with my clients. Our bodies have so much wisdom to share and often we don't listen. It is a lifelong journey! Thank you for sharing this intimate essay ❤️

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Thank you, Olivia 🫶🏻

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Olivia, that’s such a powerful way to connect with yourself—seeing your body as art through self-portraiture can truly change our perspectives. It's amazing that you’re passing on this empowering tool to others. Our bodies indeed hold so much wisdom and story that deserve to be heard and appreciated. Thanks for sharing, Olivia.

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Thank you for your kind words! Much appreciated 🙏🏽

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You’re welcome, Olivia :)

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From my optimistic mind to yours - we can do this!!! We’re learning how to turn the attention and love inward, because, as you so beautifully put it - when we “lose sight of our insides” - it seems like everything starts to go downhill. One way or another. I’m on this journey, too ❤️ keep going gently and smoothly ✨

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Thank you, Alya!! Xoxo ♥️♥️♥️ and yes, we can!

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Yes Alya! Well said. Thank you for the lovely reminders.

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Our bodies have betrayed us many times, yet we let them to a degree. TW ⚠️ Our mind might be telling us that we don’t want s*x from a partner yet the body can cry out for the touch. I’ve never blamed my body for it’s natural bodily functions and desires but learnt from them. I have had to forgive myself for how I didn’t speak my truth or simply walk away when my mind was saying no yet it wasn’t always being heard. Our body simply desired what it desired and our healing took a back seat, until it didn’t anymore. 💜

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! 🫶🏻

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Thank you for this beautiful reminder today, Mesa. I felt that old, tired tug of shame when my pants fit too tightly this morning. When I acquiesced to jumping on the trampoline with my daughter before school and then had to change said pants because my pelvic wall is as tired as the rest of me. Alas, I know that this body is tired because she has worked so hard for me, and that I owe it to her to let her rest without shaming her for needing peace. ❤️

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I'm with you in that tiredness! It is bone deep <3 Thanks for being here Kendall.

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May 2Liked by Mesa Fama

I loved this. I have struggled with self love, care for my body since a teen. As you reflect on the things your body has done, "housed two children" it makes me reflect on the things my body has been through. I can't say those experiences are my body failing me, but I can't also say it was protecting me...very deep thinking about this

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I'm so glad you found pieces of yourself here 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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Corrine, it's incredibly insightful to reflect on how our bodies navigate life with us, through every challenge and milestone. Acknowledging both the tough and triumphant experiences without judgment can be a profound part of your journey toward self-love. Thank you for sharing your story, Corrine.

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Apr 23Liked by Mesa Fama

powerful 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Lisa ♥️

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I have been feeling like this a lot lately. I saw Liz Gilbert in Berlin three days ago. I have a 4 months old at home so I didn't give a lot of thought about my outfit, there was no time. Just put on anything and went. Mind you, I had booked a VIP ticket: Professional photo with Liz and front row seat included. When I saw the photo online later (Liz, tiny as she is, is sitting on a bar stool while I am standing next to her) my heart sank and I thought "This is not what it feels I look like." And I really, really felt betrayed by my chunky, broad-shouldered, big-boobed, post-partum body... Anyway, I'm happy to be here. Without Liz mentioning Substack in her talk, I wouldn't be. Let the self-love journey begin.

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Oh Anna, I'm sorry, I know how it feels to see a picture of yourself and not see yourself, it's you but not the you in your head. I'm so glad you got to see her and meet her. She's the greatest ♥️♥️♥️ I'm so glad you're here!

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Oh Lee, thanks for this well-crafted piece. But for me, it is I who have betrayed my body. I have put her through so much, for most of my life. I have made awful, terrible, conscious choices to put things into my mouth that are not what my body asks for, not what she needs, not what will make her strong and want to live a long, healthy life. I’ve tried to make some healthy changes lately, but my sweet tooth breaks me down. Still I try to do better on the daily. Because she…and I deserve that.

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Big love to you Angie, thanks for sharing ❤️‍🩹

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Lee didn't write this, I did 🙃

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So very sorry, Mesa! I saw the top comment and mistakenly put her name!!! I wish we could edit comments!!! Maybe in the future.

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No worries at all 😍

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The words you ended with are so beautiful. Sometimes, our bodies cry out in ways we don’t understand, we can only respond with “let me love you.” Celebrating you. 🤍

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Thank you, Kaitlyn 🫶🏻♥️

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Apr 15Liked by Mesa Fama

Love this, Mesa. I feel I'm in the same place and your words express it perfectly.

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Thank you, friend! <3

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I need to read this a million times. Until I believe it in my soul. My body betrays me every day... That's what I've been telling myself. I need a new conversation, I need this one. And I need to believe it. Thank you

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Oh Nancy, I know exactly how this feels ❤️❤️❤️

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