Of course!!! Inspiration comes from the oddest places as well as the normal ones (like conversations, books, art, and real life). Everything is fair game, if it’s credited when necessary.

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I was going to write a book once called "The Bathroom is a Magical Place" because every time I was in there (shower, getting ready, etc) I'd have to leave my Notes open. ALL the ideas would find me in there!! I swore it was some sort of portal 🤣

I live for conversations that spawn creativity!! That's my favorite!!

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It’s always at inopportune times!!! I know some people who but a dry erase board in their shower!!! That’s dedication to the art!

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Love this idea!

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Omg, yes!! That title is everything! Oh, please use that title for something - a story, a book, anything! It's the best 😍😍😍

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I think I will now!! Thank you my friend 😍😍😍 xoxo

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Ha! So true.

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I’m totally a literary klepto. One of my favorite things to do is go to a restaurant or bar just to eavesdrop on conversations. Humans are so fascinating. Thank you, too, for introducing me to the Nora Ephron documentary. I love her. ❤️

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I'm going to rewatch it this weekend! I love her too!! Sooo much! I read I Feel Bad About My Neck once a year 😍

I don't go anywhere anymore unless it's somewhere to grab groceries very fast lol but I do hear some interesting things at work!!

I miss doing dinners with my friends. That always generates good stuff too! We'd listen in on other people if they were loud and then we'd make up stories about them 🤣

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I got chills watching that trailer. I remember she wrote something about hating her neck. Such a brilliant storyteller. I use everything in my life to tell stories. I was just thinking about a rendezvous that I had two years ago, that I left out of my book for various reasons. It's such a crazy story though, I think I will "fictionalize" it and use it for something else. What a great post Mesa! XO 🥰

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Yessssss! Her book "I Feel Bad About My Neck"!! I read it every year 😍

I'm so glad you enjoyed this ☺️ And I can't wait to read everything and anything you write!!

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I’ve been reading Nora Ephron! Thank you, Mesa! I love her films to but hadn’t read her books. So fun and funny, poignant and vivid. I love the idea of it’s all copy too. Robin Hood and Harriet the Spy! The magical observers and storytellers of us all. Super fun.

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I want to read Nora now too!! 🤍🤍

Thank you for the inspiration M!

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As long as the thief of words credit where it came from, sounds okay to me. I am cautiously aware of plagiarism and will not post anything I took from another unless I’ve credited them as a quote and a name.

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Yes, it’s an inevitability. Like you mentioned I have picked up pieces of conversation here and there and turned them into short stories and poems. I asked permission from the wonderful poet Jasmin Kaur to use a line from one of her poems in one of my poems. Her response was wonderful and encouraging which was so much more than I expected and I am deeply grateful for.

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I love that!! It's so wonderful when a fellow artist is willing to help 😍😍

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Hey Mesa

This is a beautiful piece. I got so much out of it because I had never heard of Nora Efron.

Writers are cannibalists…

In writing, funny about her divorce, she won!

Even more powerful is the line from Meryl Streep where she says she achieved a private act.

I’m going to look up the story of my life. Everything is copy.

I agree with your golden rule. I love to hold other people up, especially women.

It is interesting when our lived experience lines up with another and we can dance together

Thank you for this I want more.

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Thank you, Prajna!!

I'm so glad I could introduce you to Nora! She's brilliant!! I highly recommend all her books, the documentary, the movies she was a part of! She's a shero!!

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I don’t think I would’ve ever known this. Here is another wonderful thing about Substack the depth of discovery. Thank you so much.

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I learned so much here too and agreed, Mesa- we want more!! 😍

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I also love Nora she was a brilliant talented woman, whose skills and vision are immeasurable. Glad she is being rediscovered.

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I’m looking forward to digging in thank u Kathy.

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I think I didn't know Nora Ephron befroe reading this. Thanks for showing me her work.

Everything is copy is so true!

I write whole novels in my book just listening to what others are talking about in a cafe, on the beach or in kindergarten 😂

Life writes the best stories.

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I love that- life writes the best stories!!! Big truth.

Glad I could introduce you to her!! She's incredibly brilliant and so funny!! I hope you enjoy her work 😍😍

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I just had a conversation with a friend this week that sparked a new idea in me.

People are truly fascinating and if you're a good listener there are endless ideas waiting to be born.

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Yessss! Agreed 💯💯💯 So many golden nuggets just hanging around waiting to be heard 😍😍

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Love this!!! Our writing is always co-created with the experience of everything around us that makes us human. 💛💛 Also. About to Google the hell out of Nora Ephron and get all her books added to my wishlists... she sounds INCREDIBLE!! That doc trailer has me hooked.

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YAYYYY!!!!! I hope you end up loving her as much as I do!! 😍😍😍😍

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